It's a good alternative to smoking cigarettes or sleeping if you think the men and women that vape, and it provides you the same rush of nicotine without losing your body. While studies on whether or not that claim holds any water are still underway, there are plenty of vaping horror tales in the media and online that should prevent you from ever purchasing e-cigarettes or one of those vapor devices that look like a sonic screwdriver. If you vape and try to leave, this list is full of vaping disadvantages and reasons to finally put down the vape pen.
If you're living in any kind of urban environment, you certainly saw a gang of vape bros walking through the city with their fedoras and vape pens, fluttering fake smoke walls. It's super dumb, but it's not just why vaping is bad. Apart from the possible negative side effects of inhaling nicotine in any form, the battery packs and chargers that frequently accompany vaping instruments have been known to explode, and if the nicotine liquid is swallowed, your body can be tear apart. But don't take for it our word. Do yourself a favor and read through these tales of vaping horror. One could just save your life.
Many names are used for electronic nicotine distribution systems. "E-cigarettes" is the most common name, but other words are also popular, such as e-cigs, vapes, vape pens, mods and tanks. New products like JUUL have lately developed brand-centered terms for product use ("JUULing"). The whole category will be referred to as "e-cigarettes" for this resource.
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