Hemp is a non-psychoactive strain of cannabis sativa containing less than 0.3% THC. More than 1 in 4 Americans have tried CBD products in attempts to relieve pain, stress, anxiety, joint inflammation and poor sleep . The popularity of CBD is projected to lead the industry to $20 billion in revenue by 2024. Most popularly, hemp oil is used to make CBD.
While the only proven use for CBD is reducing epileptic seizures, many users report significant results in a wide variety of conditions. CBD has been shown to regulate serotonin production and reduce inflammation-associated neurodegeneration. Within the past two years, use in America has spread across generations with 40% of users aged 18-29.
Popular places to buy CBD are dispensaries, retail stores, and online. While the hemp industry is expanding, legal obstacles remain in place. Hemp farmers, CBD manufacturers, retailers, and dispensaries are finding alternative methods of financing products, pushing the industry and proving quality of hemp. Are you ready for the future of hemp?
infographic by: biomdplus.com