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How to Pair Wine with Food: A Primer

You may know the old saying “red with meat, white with fish/poultry.” And sure, there is some truth to that. But that’s just skimming the surface of all the myriad possibilities when it comes to pairing wine and food. Now, you may be starting to conjure up images of that one bottle of cheap red wine you have saved in your pantry for a rainy day, and asking yourself why you need to care about wine pairings when you only ever have 1 bottle on deck.

The simple solution? Buy more wine, build up your palate, and keep reading. Admittedly, wine and food pairing is a subjective endeavor. What tastes good to you might not taste so great to someone else, and so on and so forth. However, having a little wine pairing knowledge in your back pocket to impress your guests or your date is certainly not a bad move. So, without further ado, here is your wine and food pairing primer.
How to Pair Wine with Food: A Primer #infographic

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How to Pair Wine with Food: A Primer #infographic

How to Pair Wine with Food: A Primer

You may know the old saying “red with meat, white with fish/poultry.” And sure, there is some truth to that. But that’s just skimming the surface of all the myriad possibilities when it comes to pairing wine and food. Now, you may be starting to conjure up images of that one bottle of cheap red wine you have saved in your pantry for a rainy day, and asking yourself why you need to care about wine pairings when you only ever have 1 bottle on deck.

The simple solution? Buy more wine, build up your palate, and keep reading. Admittedly, wine and food pairing is a subjective endeavor. What tastes good to you might not taste so great to someone else, and so on and so forth. However, having a little wine pairing knowledge in your back pocket to impress your guests or your date is certainly not a bad move. So, without further ado, here is your wine and food pairing primer.
How to Pair Wine with Food: A Primer #infographic

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