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Measles - How To Stop The Outbreak #infographic

In the first 4 months of 2019, there were over 750 cases of the measles across 23 states. So is the deadly disease that has been killing millions for centuries, making a comeback? In order to be able to fight against this crisis we need to fully understand it before we can fight it. Let’s start with a brief history of the measles.

The measles was documented in Boston, USA in 1657. By the 1960’s up to 4 million people were infected just in the US each year. The MMR vaccine was introduced in 1971 which protected against measles, mumps, and rubella and in 2000, the measles was declared eliminated from the US. The 2018 outbreak of the measles affected mostly Jewish communities in New York and New Jersey, but was thought to have come from international travellers.

In 2019 there were over 450 cases of measles in New York City alone. With all of these outbreaks people are doing things about it.

 Find out how big companies are helping to fight the measles outbreak and how you can join the effort here.
Measles - How To Stop The Outbreak #infographic

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