The Never-Ending Saga of Book Banning: Books Banned from 2013-2017 #Infographic - Visualistan -->

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The Never-Ending Saga of Book Banning: Books Banned from 2013-2017 #Infographic

Over the centuries, from the start of the printed word, books have been banned for a plethora of reasons: shocking or grotesque language, anti-social or seditious statements, or for simply going against accepted social and cultural norms. Many of these books went on to become all-time greats, like James Joyce’s Ulysses, George Orwell’s 1984, Lewis Carol’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, to name a few.

Do the same reasons for banning hold true, or have things changed in the 21st century? Find out in this infographic, that showcases the banned and challenged books from 2013-17. H/T
The Never-Ending Saga of Book Banning: Books Banned from 2013-2017 #Infographic

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