Cowabunga, dude! This infographic from looks at the favorite pizza toppings of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, as seen on their classic television show. To say the least, these are very unique. While we've seen other fictional characters enjoy a slice of pizza or two over the years, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles might just love pizza more than anyone else. One pie that Leonardo, Michaelangelo, Raphael, and
Donatello enjoyed (on Episode 39: "Green with Jealousy") was one that was topped with peanut butter and clams. Grossed out yet? Other combinations of pizza toppings included granola and licorice, chocolate sprinkles and clam sauce, guacamole and marshmallows, and one with both bananas and anchovies! At different times throughout the show, the brand of pizza changes for the Turtles, with both Domino's and Pizza Hut making appearances. In their 1990 film, they were seen eating Domino's pizza throughout, whereas it was Pizza Hut for their "Coming Out of their Shells" tour. How many of these would you try?
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