Post-Workout Recovery for Muscle Growth #infographic - Visualistan -->

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Post-Workout Recovery for Muscle Growth
So, you want to grow your muscles. Maybe it’s because you want to bulk up. Perhaps it’s because you want to feel stronger. Or, it could be because you know that the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism will be, and the more efficiently you’ll burn fat. Regardless, all you must do to grow muscles is lift weights, right? Wrong! Well, at least, sort of wrong.

It’s true that lifting weights – especially heavy weights – helps you grow muscles, but there are other things you can do as part of your post-workout recovery to increase your muscle growth. Let’s talk about the post-workout recovery window.

Post-Workout Recovery for Muscle Growth

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Post-Workout Recovery for Muscle Growth #infographic

Post-Workout Recovery for Muscle Growth
So, you want to grow your muscles. Maybe it’s because you want to bulk up. Perhaps it’s because you want to feel stronger. Or, it could be because you know that the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism will be, and the more efficiently you’ll burn fat. Regardless, all you must do to grow muscles is lift weights, right? Wrong! Well, at least, sort of wrong.

It’s true that lifting weights – especially heavy weights – helps you grow muscles, but there are other things you can do as part of your post-workout recovery to increase your muscle growth. Let’s talk about the post-workout recovery window.

Post-Workout Recovery for Muscle Growth

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