Daily Ways to Improve your Mental Health #infographic - Visualistan -->

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Daily Ways to Improve your Mental Health
Many of us find it difficult to switch off from work, our digital devices or even the television, often feeling guilty for taking this time out. But our mental health is as important as our physical health, so we should pay as much attention to it as we would physical ailments.

Whether at work or at home, it’s important to find the time to improve our mental health. Some of the actions we’ve identified in this infographic are things that some of us may already be able to do on a daily basis, such as getting some exercise (even just a 10-minute walk), eating well, getting a good night’s sleep or getting some fresh air. Other actions - such as writing down three things we’ve achieved every day to help us see the bigger picture - may take a bit more time and thought.

Daily Ways to Improve your Mental Health

Infographic by: unum.co.uk

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Daily Ways to Improve your Mental Health #infographic

Daily Ways to Improve your Mental Health
Many of us find it difficult to switch off from work, our digital devices or even the television, often feeling guilty for taking this time out. But our mental health is as important as our physical health, so we should pay as much attention to it as we would physical ailments.

Whether at work or at home, it’s important to find the time to improve our mental health. Some of the actions we’ve identified in this infographic are things that some of us may already be able to do on a daily basis, such as getting some exercise (even just a 10-minute walk), eating well, getting a good night’s sleep or getting some fresh air. Other actions - such as writing down three things we’ve achieved every day to help us see the bigger picture - may take a bit more time and thought.

Daily Ways to Improve your Mental Health

Infographic by: unum.co.uk

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