It should be of no surprise to hear that the number one fear amongst people is the spider. With too many legs, too many eyes, and too small to see until it’s too late; we can’t blame them. Aside from their creepy outward appearance, another reason to fear them is the venom that lurks within their tiny fangs. Of course this doesn’t apply to all spiders, many of which you'd actually want to have living in your home catching other pesky insects. But there are some that you wouldn’t want to have within a fifty foot radius of you or your loved ones, these are the ones you should always have a flamethrower on hand for. But how can you tell which spiders are the good guys and which are the ones that need to be dosed in flames?
This infographic breaks down how to identify the eleven most dangerous spiders, and the symptoms that can be caused by one of their bites.
Infographic by:
This infographic breaks down how to identify the eleven most dangerous spiders, and the symptoms that can be caused by one of their bites.
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