Who Would Win the Battle of the Fictional Fleets? #infographic - Visualistan -->

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Who Would Win the Battle of the Fictional Fleets? #infographic

Who would win the battle of fictional fleets? One could argue all day about the effectiveness of weapons and vehicles against each other, such as the never-ending discussion between nerds of the firepower of a Star Wars versus Star Trek space vessel, but often come to only a few conclusions because of the very nature of fantastical storytelling. Would an ion cannon be able to impact the Megazord? That’s hard to say. But what’s evident from the stories is how effective these fleets can work together as a team.

We took five different metrics – driver behavior, fleet maintenance, reactive capability, environmental impact, and managerial control – to study how each of these fictional fleets of fantasy attack problems and work together. From the survivors in Battlestar Galactica to the dusty warriors of Mad Max: Fury Road, we studied how well each team communicates and moves across distances on land, air, sea, and across space. So who is the best team to work together in the fantasy realm? Created by: Telectrac Navman

Who Would Win the Battle of the Fictional Fleets?
Infographic by: teletracnavman.com

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