What’s Going To Happen To Healthcare? #Infographic - Visualistan -->

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What’s Going To Happen To Healthcare? #Infographic

Health care costs are skyrocketing in the United States. Every attempt to fix the problem only brings partisanship and more problems. Premiums are set to go up in most states in 2017, and in some places the increases will be as high as 116%. Health care premiums are going up at a faster rate than wages, leaving family budgets underwater. People are already struggling to make ends meet, so many people are going to look toward dropping health insurance altogether and just paying the fine, which will drive health insurance and healthcare costs up even more.

So what will become of the Affordable Care Act and healthcare under the new administration? There have been promises to “repeal and replace” the ACA, but the replacement part is still up in the air. Whatever happens, it is unlikely to fix the healthcare problem because of the extreme partisanship of those making and passing the laws. Learn more about the healthcare bubble from this infographic!

What’s Going To Happen To Healthcare?

Infographic by: www.healthgrad.com

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