LTV – Customer Lifetime Value is a metric which measures the value of a client over the business life-cycle. It is one of the key measures of success for an app. Having the capacity to measure the real monetary value of customers over a long term helps the app developer understand their customers better, and be more efficient in the development of budgets and the setting of growth expectations for their apps.
Dot Com Infoway, a digital and mobile app marketing leader, has released an ultimate infographic guide on how to measure and leverage LTV metrics to scale apps and enhance a business' profitability.
The Why of the LTV metric
Not only is there an exponential growth in the quality and quantity of apps, but there is also stiff competition in the mobile app market vertical. Having the knowledge and capacity to measure LTV metrics means you can focus on the design of more efficient strategies. The data you obtain from such strategies maximize on the conversion and retention of high-value app users for better ROI in app development and scaling.
DCI, one of the world's leading mobile marketing apps consultants, has thoroughly researched the aspects of LTV, which have been presented in this infographic.
Infographic by:
Dot Com Infoway, a digital and mobile app marketing leader, has released an ultimate infographic guide on how to measure and leverage LTV metrics to scale apps and enhance a business' profitability.
The Why of the LTV metric
Not only is there an exponential growth in the quality and quantity of apps, but there is also stiff competition in the mobile app market vertical. Having the knowledge and capacity to measure LTV metrics means you can focus on the design of more efficient strategies. The data you obtain from such strategies maximize on the conversion and retention of high-value app users for better ROI in app development and scaling.
DCI, one of the world's leading mobile marketing apps consultants, has thoroughly researched the aspects of LTV, which have been presented in this infographic.
Infographic by: