Why ‘Planning Analog’ is Better than ‘Going Digital?’ #Infographic - Visualistan -->

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Why ‘Planning Analog’ is Better than ‘Going Digital?’
There are two basic steps when it comes to planning: conceptualizing and organizing your ideas. Apart from determining your presentation’s core message, these steps also allow you to discover more significant ideas and prepare your pitch.

Due to the efficiency technology brings, many professionals prefer to plan their presentations through digital means. Software programs like Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Word are ideal when laying out the structure and discussion points of a project. Other than letting them share their ideas digitally, these applications are also easy to access.

Some people, however, still prefer the analog way of planning. Jotting down ideas on a notebook or illustrating concepts on a board work for professionals who would like their thoughts to flow naturally and without the distraction of any digital devices. As what they say, different means for different needs.

In this infographic, we will enumerate the pros and cons of planning in analog and digital. We will help you find the best way to plan for a presentation. See it below.

Why ‘Planning Analog’ is Better than ‘Going Digital?’

Infographic by: www.slidegenius.com

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Why ‘Planning Analog’ is Better than ‘Going Digital?’ #Infographic

Why ‘Planning Analog’ is Better than ‘Going Digital?’
There are two basic steps when it comes to planning: conceptualizing and organizing your ideas. Apart from determining your presentation’s core message, these steps also allow you to discover more significant ideas and prepare your pitch.

Due to the efficiency technology brings, many professionals prefer to plan their presentations through digital means. Software programs like Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Word are ideal when laying out the structure and discussion points of a project. Other than letting them share their ideas digitally, these applications are also easy to access.

Some people, however, still prefer the analog way of planning. Jotting down ideas on a notebook or illustrating concepts on a board work for professionals who would like their thoughts to flow naturally and without the distraction of any digital devices. As what they say, different means for different needs.

In this infographic, we will enumerate the pros and cons of planning in analog and digital. We will help you find the best way to plan for a presentation. See it below.

Why ‘Planning Analog’ is Better than ‘Going Digital?’

Infographic by: www.slidegenius.com

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