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The Journey From Fat To Fit #Infographic

This Infographic aims to be your ultimate go-to guide when it comes to fitness. From resistance training for a fit body to yoga for a healthy and relaxed mind, this guide covers everything that you’re looking for to improve your health and fitness. You’ll also find out why interval training is the best way to burn those extra calories accumulated from your unhealthy diet.

On a more elaborate note, the graphic stresses on the fact that although there are hundreds of ways to get fit and healthy, following three main approaches are enough to achieve a healthy body and mind. It’s applicable to men and women from all walks of life.

There are some interesting pointers on the key benefits of resistance training to body, yoga to mind, and interval training to weight loss. Yoga is an ancient exercise which aims to cure stress, anxiety, and depression with no side effects (when done right). The most powerful combination of resistance training and interval training can help you to reduce fat faster than other methods.

The Journey From Fat To Fit

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