Infographics are one of the most popular forms of content on the web. Their ability to condense a long-form article, research paper, or strategic idea into one easy-to-follow visual story is one of the many reasons that people love them. The best part is, creating an infographic is not that difficult!
Roughly 65% of people are visual learners, meaning they respond and retain information better through imagery than text or audio. This means that infographics are much easier for most people to understand than your typical text-based post.
Additionally, you have much more flexibility with infographics. You can slice the images up and put them into a Slideshare. You can conduct offsite marketing campaigns embedding the infographic on other websites. You can also use the infographic to increase the likes and shares on social media by 3 times what other forms of content do. Infographics have a number of benefits to increase onsite and offsite engagement.
If you’re interested in learning how you can create an amazing infographic for your website, check out the infographic below that walks you through how to ideate, write, and design your own incredible infographic.