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30 Amazing Facts About Blood #Infographic

We often take our bodies for granted, whether it be the wondrous functions of the brain, or the ingenious way all of our nerves are connected. We carry on with our day-to-day activities without even realising how our bodies are coping and functioning, and not only how they are working, but also how efficiently they’re working. And one of the most clever aspects of our bodies is how our blood works. Our latest infographic explores some of these amazing facts about blood, including how your red blood cells are constantly being replaced as they only live on average for about 120 days, and how it takes around thirty seconds for a red blood cell to make a complete circuit of your body, which means they take about 20 seconds to travel 70,000 miles. Take a look at the infographic below to find out more amazing facts about blood. Are there any you already knew, or some that perhaps really surprise you?

30 Amazing Facts About Blood

Infographic by: anthonynolan.org

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