In the world of popular fiction, there are countless movies, television shows, video games, books, and more in which you need to remember specific characters, their standings and storylines and so much more. How is it that despite all of this overwhelming noise, we continue to remember and cherish the characters we love? Is it what makes them unique that makes them stand out in our memories? Perhaps, and maybe that's why everyone has a favorite fictional horse. Horses often act as a sidekick to the characters we love or even the hero themselves.
This infographic, from the shed and garage experts at Alan's Factory Outlet, details, identifies, and celebrates a great number of the most popular trusty steeds and horses from the universes of fiction. If there is a horse that you believe should be added to this infographic, please feel free to reach out to Alan at Alan's Factory Outlet to let him know! We'd love to add a new one.
Infographic by:
This infographic, from the shed and garage experts at Alan's Factory Outlet, details, identifies, and celebrates a great number of the most popular trusty steeds and horses from the universes of fiction. If there is a horse that you believe should be added to this infographic, please feel free to reach out to Alan at Alan's Factory Outlet to let him know! We'd love to add a new one.
Infographic by: