How To Pull Off The Perfect Sickie for The EUROs #Infographic - Visualistan -->

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How To Pull Off The Perfect Sickie for The EUROs #Infographic

What do you do when you are at work and want to watch the afternoon and early evening Euro matches? The solution isn't too difficult if you follow some of the hints and suggestions in this 'How to Pull the Perfect Sickie' infographic.

Pulling off the perfect sickie takes a little thought and planning on your part. Roll over and claim to have appendicitis or the Black Death and you may find yourself whisked away to A&E where you won't get to watch any of the games. However, start a few days before a match complaining of stomach pains, an aching back or start sneezing and speaking with a croaky voice and you're more likely be believed to be ill when you phone in sick.

Playing it cautiously while off sick is also imperative if you want your ruse to be believable. The same applies when you go back to work, you have to pretend and show your disappointment of missing your team play.

This infographic offers some suggestions and ways to pull the perfect sickie, showing the pros and cons of feasible illness and strategies to employ to make sure that you don't get caught with your football shorts around your ankles, so to speak!

Play it wise and clever, and you should be sufficiently convincing to get away with at least a day or two off work to watch the Euros without anyone realising that you are not really ill.

How To Pull Off The Perfect Sickie for The EUROsInfographic by:

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