When travelling to another country, learning the manners and customs is necessary to not only to be polite, but also to avoid unintentionally offending any locals! Each country and culture will have their own customs that you will be expected to adhere to on your visit. Of course at the most basic you’ll need to know how to say your please and thank you’s.
If it is polite to recognize the manners of a country on a tourism visit, it is his wholly necessary when travelling to another country for business. Viking Direct operates in over 11 countries worldwide, so they’ve asked their employees from the four corners of the world what it polite and impolite when conducting business abroad! For example, did you know that in Saudi Arabia time keeping can be more relaxed than elsewhere, so try not to be offended if your meeting partner turns up a little late. Also, in China you should never challenge your superior in a meeting even if you believe that they’re wrong. Take a look at the infographic for the full guide!
Infographic by: www.viking-direct.co.uk
If it is polite to recognize the manners of a country on a tourism visit, it is his wholly necessary when travelling to another country for business. Viking Direct operates in over 11 countries worldwide, so they’ve asked their employees from the four corners of the world what it polite and impolite when conducting business abroad! For example, did you know that in Saudi Arabia time keeping can be more relaxed than elsewhere, so try not to be offended if your meeting partner turns up a little late. Also, in China you should never challenge your superior in a meeting even if you believe that they’re wrong. Take a look at the infographic for the full guide!
Infographic by: www.viking-direct.co.uk