The Long Term Effect of Debt on Millennials #Infographic - Visualistan -->

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The Long Term Effect of Debt on Millennials #Infographic

Over two-thirds of all millennials have at least one source of long-term debt and one-third has more than one source of long term debt. As you can imagine this type of debt problems have long-term effects. On top of financial impacts, debt also has emotional impacts, health impacts as well as daily life impacts. Yellowbrick program has put together a comprehensive infographic that covers the long-term effects of debt on millennials. Student loans are the biggest debt issue for millennials. A study found that student loans can actually cause more debt.

On top of the negative financial aspects of debt, there are serious emotional impacts as well. People who struggle to pay off debts are twice as likely to experience depression and anxiety. People with high debt are also three times more likely to suffer from a mental illness. For every 10% increase in personal debt, depression worsens by 14%. As you can see there are many negative aspects to having excess debt. To learn more about them, check out the infographic below.

The Long Term Effect of Debt on Millennials
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