Do you know the drug that four out of five heroin users start with? No, it isn't a hard drug. Instead, its a prescription pain pill of some sort. Contrary to common misconceptions about drug addicts, the vast majority do not begin their drug use with a hard drug. Instead, they slowly evolve to that point as their addiction grows. The biggest culprit behind America's current dependence on drugs is in fact prescription opioids, with Oxycontin leading the pack. Designed for terminally ill patients and those in immense amounts of pain, Oxycontin is now used by millions of drug addicts the world over as they attempt to get their fix. As the first step to avoiding addiction is education, we put together this infographic to show just how big America's problem with opioids really is. Read on and you'll be horrified at the extent of the problem. Chances are, it even affects someone you love.
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