These days it is possible for just about anyone to simply type your name into a search engine and find your personal details. Whether they are potential employers, or even potential partners there is some info you want to stay private. And with these steps, you can erase your online identity with ease.
The first step will require you to delete all the public profiles you know exist. Some social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and LinkedIn have built in features that allow you to remove your account and delete all the information associated with it. Now search for yourself on various search engines. This helps track down any accounts you’ve forgotten about. Now delete any profiles you find with these searches. If you’ve forgotten your username or password then use the built-in option to retrieve them. There are some accounts that don’t have the option to delete them so falsify the information for these accounts.
Next go through your junk mail and unsubscribe from every mailing list you might be on. Ask search engines to delete any results that return any information about you. Contact webmasters directly, contact data clearing houses and change your number to an unlisted one. And lastly you’ll need to delete your email.
Presented by FreeShippingCode
The first step will require you to delete all the public profiles you know exist. Some social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and LinkedIn have built in features that allow you to remove your account and delete all the information associated with it. Now search for yourself on various search engines. This helps track down any accounts you’ve forgotten about. Now delete any profiles you find with these searches. If you’ve forgotten your username or password then use the built-in option to retrieve them. There are some accounts that don’t have the option to delete them so falsify the information for these accounts.
Next go through your junk mail and unsubscribe from every mailing list you might be on. Ask search engines to delete any results that return any information about you. Contact webmasters directly, contact data clearing houses and change your number to an unlisted one. And lastly you’ll need to delete your email.
Presented by FreeShippingCode