In the world of Vacation rentals, Airbnb reigns supreme. Taking the world by storm in a short 7 year span, Airbnb is the word muttered when you talk about travel. In this infographic we focus on the hosts and the best spots in US to be an Airbnb Host. Airbnb hosts are frequently mobile individuals, often times with houses in multiple locations. In this infographic we wanted to highlight the best spots and where they should spend their time and effort.
Also included is 9 SuperHost tips that we curated from Airbnb hosts across the nation. This is to help you as a host perform better and take home more money. Even if there is just one tip in there you were not doing previously, we want you to take that and put it into practice in your everyday hosting life.
Infographic by: data supplied by
Also included is 9 SuperHost tips that we curated from Airbnb hosts across the nation. This is to help you as a host perform better and take home more money. Even if there is just one tip in there you were not doing previously, we want you to take that and put it into practice in your everyday hosting life.
Infographic by: data supplied by