Will going to the university do you any good? Will you be able to get the job of your dream without doing so? The debates on the importance of higher education is a hot topic nowadays. With all those successful people without degrees looking at you from the popular tabloids, it's easy to believe that there's no point in getting a degree. If you're smart enough, you can get any job you want with or without it. But things are a bit more complicated than that.
The first thing you need to understand is that one of the most important features of your character for becoming an intelligent individual is curiosity. You need to be interested in the world that surround us and understand how the things work in it. It's of no surprise that the more you get to know the more questions you have. This is the point of your constant personal and professional development. Once you learn how something works and see some drawbacks in it, your brain starts searching for the possible ways to improve it. That is how new ideas are born and the world receives new useful inventions. Some people have this urge of learning new things, the others don't. This is where going to college or university can help you a lot.
You can often hear people saying that the theoretical knowledge you get with tertiary education is of no use when you start working. You have to learn everything all over again and those skills you already have won't help you. That is not entirely true. Of course, there's a big difference between listening to someone describing you the distinguishing features of a job and actually see the process with your own eyes. However, the theoretical basis you get is a very significant aspect in understanding the process and making it possible to improve it. That is why a lot of people keep reading books dedicated to the topic of their interest no matter how successful they've become. There's never enough information for them. It's a nice idea for you to join the group.
Infographic by: write-right.net
The first thing you need to understand is that one of the most important features of your character for becoming an intelligent individual is curiosity. You need to be interested in the world that surround us and understand how the things work in it. It's of no surprise that the more you get to know the more questions you have. This is the point of your constant personal and professional development. Once you learn how something works and see some drawbacks in it, your brain starts searching for the possible ways to improve it. That is how new ideas are born and the world receives new useful inventions. Some people have this urge of learning new things, the others don't. This is where going to college or university can help you a lot.
You can often hear people saying that the theoretical knowledge you get with tertiary education is of no use when you start working. You have to learn everything all over again and those skills you already have won't help you. That is not entirely true. Of course, there's a big difference between listening to someone describing you the distinguishing features of a job and actually see the process with your own eyes. However, the theoretical basis you get is a very significant aspect in understanding the process and making it possible to improve it. That is why a lot of people keep reading books dedicated to the topic of their interest no matter how successful they've become. There's never enough information for them. It's a nice idea for you to join the group.
Infographic by: write-right.net