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Evolution of Labor #infographic

World of work has drastically changed during the last few decades. Not only when you compare the working conditions, but also the career fields. Few decades ago nobody would believe that some of today's’ most wanted work positions would even exist. And we, living in this modern world, can’t even start to imagine what the working conditions were then. Can you imagine that not too long ago workers had to work twelve, fourteen or even eighteen hour shifts every day? And we complain when we have to stay a little overtime because the eight-hour shift is definitely enough. Thanks to the effort and will of those hard workers who decided to speak up, we don’t have to deal with those horrible working conditions anymore. Do you know when did the things start to change? Check out this interesting infographic to learn everything about the evolution of labor and Labor Day over the history.

Evolution of LaborInfographic by: modis.com

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