Clutter is a challenge in every home and workplace. If you have a busy lifestyle that leaves little time to organise your odds-and-ends, it becomes very easy to let the various odds and ends build up. Interior design experts OKA have created a helpful infographic that explains how you can maximize your productivity and improve your well-being by living a simple, clutter-free life.
For example, did you know that something as simple as having a messy desk can make 53% of people think negatively of you? There is a direct correlation between a clear work space and perceptions of productivity - with 83% of people saying that they feel more productive in an organised space.
Decluttering your spaces will not just result in your home or desk looking neater, your personal and professional well-being will also benefit. Explore the infographic for more insights into the calamity of clutter.
Infographic by:
For example, did you know that something as simple as having a messy desk can make 53% of people think negatively of you? There is a direct correlation between a clear work space and perceptions of productivity - with 83% of people saying that they feel more productive in an organised space.
Decluttering your spaces will not just result in your home or desk looking neater, your personal and professional well-being will also benefit. Explore the infographic for more insights into the calamity of clutter.
Infographic by: