No matter how old you are, youth literature is brimming with wonderful, timeless gems of wisdom. If your heart needs some uplifting or your brain is utterly fried from a tough work week, seek relief no further than underneath the vibrant cover of your favorite children's book. Better yet, share the experience with your children! As you enjoy the earnest, wholesome lessons and swashbuckling adventures along with your kids, take to heart the simple yet sincere words that both educate and uplift. We ollected 16 of these quotes in hopes that they both motivate and gladden the hearts and minds of your entire family! Show them to your kiddos, tape them to your fridge, or just bookmark this infographic for whenever you need a happy, youthful pick-me-up! With all the stresses and difficulties that we experience as adults, sometimes we just need to feel child-like whimsy once in a while.
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