Practically anyone who works in a creative field (especially graphic design) has a horror story or two about demanding, annoying, or emotionally volatile clients. But at what point is a client relationship more trouble than it’s worth?
This graphic sums up all of the most important warning signs to look out for. If a design client doesn’t make their payments, takes up too much of your time, or is just downright toxic to be around, it may be time to let them go. Be sure to keep an eye out for all of these red flags and be prepared to fire any client who’s hindering your ability to do your job.
Infographic by: companyfolders
This graphic sums up all of the most important warning signs to look out for. If a design client doesn’t make their payments, takes up too much of your time, or is just downright toxic to be around, it may be time to let them go. Be sure to keep an eye out for all of these red flags and be prepared to fire any client who’s hindering your ability to do your job.
Infographic by: companyfolders