Is This the End of the Cork vs Screw Cap Debate? #infographic - Visualistan -->

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Is This the End of the Cork vs Screw Cap Debate?
If you have ever enjoyed wine, you've probably heard of the cork vs the screw cap debate. It's one of the most heated debates among wine lovers and both sides have their loyal following.

Instead of picking sides, we at Wine Turtle decided to bring an end to this debate. As a result, we interviewed 114 wine lovers in the US to determine what their perception is on the cork and the screw cap. It turns out that the preference to the natural cork is still very strong when making a buying decision with regard to wine.

The question is, is this preference justified? It turns out that this preference is driven by a number of myths that are associated with the screw caps. We did some in-depth research to find out whether these myths were true or not. The infographic below is the result.

Is This the End of the Cork vs Screw Cap Debate?Infographic by: wineturtle

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Is This the End of the Cork vs Screw Cap Debate? #infographic

Is This the End of the Cork vs Screw Cap Debate?
If you have ever enjoyed wine, you've probably heard of the cork vs the screw cap debate. It's one of the most heated debates among wine lovers and both sides have their loyal following.

Instead of picking sides, we at Wine Turtle decided to bring an end to this debate. As a result, we interviewed 114 wine lovers in the US to determine what their perception is on the cork and the screw cap. It turns out that the preference to the natural cork is still very strong when making a buying decision with regard to wine.

The question is, is this preference justified? It turns out that this preference is driven by a number of myths that are associated with the screw caps. We did some in-depth research to find out whether these myths were true or not. The infographic below is the result.

Is This the End of the Cork vs Screw Cap Debate?Infographic by: wineturtle

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