Evan Spiegel and Reggie Brown (founders of Snapchat), Pavel Durov (founder of VK), Robert Gentz and David Schneider (founders of Zalando) - are modern-day role models millions of people across the globe aspire to be today. What do they all have in common? They understood the demand for a service, that existing applications couldn't provide, (in case of VK and Zalando- due to cultural differences, in case of Snapchat- to age differences) and created a product, that not only became popular with some group of users, but carved their names into modern business history with their innovative approach and software solutions.
Just because there existed already a tale with a plot similar to "Romeo and Juliet", talent of Shakespeare is not diminished and no one can take away his glory in writing a brilliant play, that not only was interesting for his contemporaries, but continues to fascinate generations many centuries later.
In our infographic we have gathered interesting facts, that describe the new trend- website cloning in the similar fashion, supported by facts. If you create a much-needed application on the basis of existing, that will meet the needs of people, provided you add some original twist to it, meeting the cultural needs of customers or answering their cravings in communicating in some niche sphere, while earning money along the way, website cloning is the way to go for you.
Infographic by: clonewebsite
Just because there existed already a tale with a plot similar to "Romeo and Juliet", talent of Shakespeare is not diminished and no one can take away his glory in writing a brilliant play, that not only was interesting for his contemporaries, but continues to fascinate generations many centuries later.
In our infographic we have gathered interesting facts, that describe the new trend- website cloning in the similar fashion, supported by facts. If you create a much-needed application on the basis of existing, that will meet the needs of people, provided you add some original twist to it, meeting the cultural needs of customers or answering their cravings in communicating in some niche sphere, while earning money along the way, website cloning is the way to go for you.
Infographic by: clonewebsite