Over fifty percent of U.S. credit card holders are carrying rewards credit cards. There can be significant benefits to carrying one of these cards, if you understand how they work and know how to play the game. However, it may surprise you that many rewards card holders don’t know how to play the game, and they’re missing out on big rewards.
Did you know that nearly one-third of consumers end up losing their credit card rewards because they don’t completely understand how they work? Well it’s time to stop wasting those rewards and figure out how to play the credit card rewards game.
Check out this cool new infographic that will show you the tricks to earning credit card rewards, describe the different types of rewards available and show you how sign-up bonuses actually work. Looking for additional information on credit cards? Or maybe some other cool visuals to help explain some of those common credit card questions? Then check out our blog at comparewallet
Infographic by: comparecards
Did you know that nearly one-third of consumers end up losing their credit card rewards because they don’t completely understand how they work? Well it’s time to stop wasting those rewards and figure out how to play the credit card rewards game.
Check out this cool new infographic that will show you the tricks to earning credit card rewards, describe the different types of rewards available and show you how sign-up bonuses actually work. Looking for additional information on credit cards? Or maybe some other cool visuals to help explain some of those common credit card questions? Then check out our blog at comparewallet
Infographic by: comparecards