Grow By Leaps and Bounds Easy Indoor Plants That Thrive #infographic - Visualistan -->

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Grow By Leaps and Bounds Easy Indoor Plants That Thrive
Growing plants indoors can be beneficial to both body and mind. Normal plant processes include absorbing CO2 and releasing moisture into the air. Physically, both of these functions can be beneficial in a stuffy office environment. Humans breathe in air, absorb O2, and exhale CO2, while plants will do the opposite – absorbing the CO2 and releasing O2. This exchange makes having plants around seem like a logical idea. One study, published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology, studied possible benefits of indoor plants, finding that indoor office plants could prevent fatigue during attention-demanding work. Plants can actually make us smarter!

Grow By Leaps and Bounds Easy Indoor Plants That ThriveInfographic by: fix

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Grow By Leaps and Bounds Easy Indoor Plants That Thrive #infographic

Grow By Leaps and Bounds Easy Indoor Plants That Thrive
Growing plants indoors can be beneficial to both body and mind. Normal plant processes include absorbing CO2 and releasing moisture into the air. Physically, both of these functions can be beneficial in a stuffy office environment. Humans breathe in air, absorb O2, and exhale CO2, while plants will do the opposite – absorbing the CO2 and releasing O2. This exchange makes having plants around seem like a logical idea. One study, published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology, studied possible benefits of indoor plants, finding that indoor office plants could prevent fatigue during attention-demanding work. Plants can actually make us smarter!

Grow By Leaps and Bounds Easy Indoor Plants That ThriveInfographic by: fix

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