Once the carpet is removed, you will be able to lay down your new carpet, which will take about another two hours, burning a further 500 calories. If you decide to put down hardwood flooring, it is going to take at least double that, which burns 1,000 calories. Therefore, in just one day of removing carpet and putting in new flooring, you are able to burn 1,500 calories. The same is true in the kitchen. When you are removing tile or linoleum, you are going to burn 238 calories every hour. Adding it into the kitchen is going to do the same and over the course of a day, you can burn nearly 2,000 calories easily. Painting is the same. You can get rid of that awful color in your home, burning 272 calories in the process. Not too shabby! Check out the infographic below.
Redoing the Inside of the House Is Good For You #infographic
Once the carpet is removed, you will be able to lay down your new carpet, which will take about another two hours, burning a further 500 calories. If you decide to put down hardwood flooring, it is going to take at least double that, which burns 1,000 calories. Therefore, in just one day of removing carpet and putting in new flooring, you are able to burn 1,500 calories. The same is true in the kitchen. When you are removing tile or linoleum, you are going to burn 238 calories every hour. Adding it into the kitchen is going to do the same and over the course of a day, you can burn nearly 2,000 calories easily. Painting is the same. You can get rid of that awful color in your home, burning 272 calories in the process. Not too shabby! Check out the infographic below.
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