Medical negligence is defined as, “the deviation from accepted standards of care.” Standards of care are often subject to debate, so medical negligence cases are very difficult to prove. For this reason, the vast majority of medical negligence cases do not make it to litigation. 93% of those cases that do make it are resolved through out-of-court settlement. Even still, damages caps often limit the amount that may be awarded to victims of medical negligence. Because of the difficulties facing victims who seek legal recourse for their injuries, many often feel that the legal and medical systems are working against them. Medical negligence cases often have serious, and even deadly, consequences for the victim. In the U.S., it is even the third leading cause of death. The severity of these cases makes it even more detrimental to victims when legal channels seem to work against them to seek recompense for their mistreatment.
Infographic by: resultsyoudeserve
Infographic by: resultsyoudeserve