How Yoga Makes You a Better Runner: Poses for Runners #infographic - Visualistan -->

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How Yoga Makes You a Better Runner: Poses for Runners #infographic

Yoga can really help you evolve into a better runner. It helps ease pain, while eliminating physical stress, making it easier to run efficiently. Adding Yoga to regular workout routines also builds up strength and flexibility within hamstrings, hip flexors, the core and quads. The more flexible you are, the less chance you have of becoming injured when running. And, as your strength continuously increases, you’ll find yourself running farther, faster and longer, improving running time.

Yoga poses help to relieve stress, strain and tightness in various areas of your body. These 10 poses stretch areas that improve your running distance and time when opened up properly. More flexibility means less chance of becoming injured while running. An increase in strength leads to the ability to run farther, longer and faster than ever before. Therefore, building these physical qualities, which Yoga does successfully, helps to make you a better runner.

Infographic: How Yoga Makes You a Better Runner: Poses for RunnersInfographic by: proform

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