World Cancer Day 4th February 2014 [Infographic] - Visualistan -->

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World Cancer Day 4th February 2014 [Infographic]

Following the positive response to last year’s campaign, this year the Tuesday the 4th February marks ‘World Cancer Day 2014.’ Encouraging an opportunity to start a conversation about cancer, World Cancer Day aims to dispel the rumors, dismissing any misconceptions that the general public may associate with the disease.

At Asons Solicitors we are proud to promote the initiative, spreading the word through our World Cancer Day infographic. While we understand there is nothing fun about Cancer, our hope is that with our new infographic, a little known interesting ‘fun’ fact may start a dialogue, encouraging people to share their experiences of cancer.

Asons hope that campaigns such as ‘World Cancer Day’ will help to lower the prevalence of cancer misdiagnosis. We believe that if the general public are more aware of the signs and symptoms of the disease, that they will be less likely to accept a cancer misdiagnosis, improving their chances of survival.

Infographic: World Cancer Day 4th February 2014Infographic by:

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