Here 10 thing you probably didn't know about Triberr.
Triberr was founded in 2011 by two bloggers, Dino Dogan and Dan Cristo. Triberr domain name was registered on February 21, 2011.
2. You can post title before you share
Did you know that you can edit the post title before it's shared? Simply hover your mouse in the upper-right corner of the post and the little drop-down arrow will appear. Click it to reveal the "Edit Title" option. See image below.
3. In case of a disaster, pause shares
Did you know you can pause sharing? This comes up whenever there's a disaster and people want to stop their regularly scheduled broadcasting in solidarity and out of respect for the situation.
Simply click on your "New Posts" drop down and select "Approved Posts". The Approved Posts stream contains all posts you've approved for sharing.
Click on the green share button to un-share. See image below.
4. Sort your stream
This one is super easy and super useful. You can sort your stream based on the posts you've approved (like in the example above), posts you've shared, oldest posts in your stream, and you can even see your own posts. See image below.
But wait, that's not all :-)
Next to the post sorting button is the Tribes-sorting button, so you can show posts from a specific tribe. #Neat
5. Promote any post
Did you know you can help your tribemates promote their posts beyond sharing? It's true.
A while back Triberr rolled out the Sticky post feature, which allows you to "stick" your post at the top of your tribemates' Tribal Streams. This makes your post super-visible in your friend's tribal stream.
According to Mike Brooks of Nuclear Chowder Marketing, making a post sticky is the difference between having it shared 50-100 times (typical numbers for Mike) versus 500+ times.
Well, this powerful feature just got better.
Recently, Triberr rolled out the ability for anyone to make anyone else's post "sticky". Why would you want to do this?
Let's say the post I wrote is about your favorite charity. Or the post is about something -or someone- you really care about, and you want to ensure the post gets plenty of visibility. You could "promote" my post which would then make it stick to the top of my tribemates' stream. See image below.
But wait, there’s more :-)
If you create a kick-ass piece of content as part of an influence marketing campaign, this means that the brand can promote YOUR post and boost YOUR visibility. Very cool stuff indeed.
6. Make your posts sticky without paying
Here's a super-secret cool trick most people don't know. You can make your posts sticky without paying.
Triberr always saw it as a giant karmic engine. You do good things and good things happen to you. To that end, Triberr has rolled out the Affinity algorithm.
The Affinity algorithm simply states that if you share my post, your post will "stick" to the top of my stream which will make it super visible and I will be more likely to share it.
Here's how it work. Whenever I'm about to publish a new post, I make sure to locate my tribemates who I think would be ideal for sharing my yet-to-be-published post, and I share theirs. The next day, when I publish a new post, my post is right at the top of their stream and marked with "Affinity".
This powerful strategy comes with a warning. Start with quality content, keep it contextual, and only then use this strategy. It's very easy to hide a post and even mute a person if their content is not up to par or is irrelevant to your tribemates' audience. See image below.
7. Follow a Topic
Triberr have a habit of rolling out super-cool features without making a lot of fuss about it. One such feature is "follow a topic".
Triberr imports 10s of thousands of posts per day, and if there's a topic you'd like to follow, a name, or a phrase, chances are Triberr have it.
Let's say I'd like to monitor mentions of my name. I would type my name in the search bar, click on the magnifying glass drop-down, and select "topic". See image below.
To make all future posts that contain the desired keyword appear in your stream, simply click on "Follow Topic" button.
In the image below, I'm following a "new movie" topic, which will feed all posts that contain the phrase "new movie" into my tribal stream. See image below.
Extra special tip: You will notice that every post in your stream contains a tag. A word or a short phrase that is clickable. That is yet another way to get to the "Follow Topic" feature. See image below.
8. Hansel and Gretel feature
Did you know you can follow the breadcrumbs of your tribemates to see what post they last visited? That's the point of the Active section on the right-hand side of your tribal stream.
It's a quick and easy way to see what post your favorite tribemates have read last. Simply click on their image and you'll be taken to the very last post they read. See image below.
9. How to locate the right tribe for you
This question comes up often, and just to mix things up, Triberr made a video that you can watch by clicking on the image below.
10. Do Triberr has alchemy?
Did you know that one of the coolest features on Triberr is brought to you by a Denver based startup called AlchemyAPI?
Every post on Triberr is tagged, sorted, and indexed in a Google Search thanks to AlchemyAPI's Natural Language Processing technology. This enables you to discover content using Triberr search, subscribe to your topics of interest, and follow tags on every post you see in your stream in order to discover more great content.
How many of these 10 things did you know about?