Making Of Chocolate Bars [Infographic] - Visualistan -->

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Image: Making Of Chocolate Bars
Chocolate is an all time favorite for all, irrespective of ages. If you follow history, it is from world war I (1914-1918), that chocolate bars were being packed as a sort of energizer and a short snack into soldiers' rucksacks, making it quite popular as it was not until 1900s that chocolate was considered as a treat.

Infographic: Making Of Chocolate BarsInfographic by:

Making Of Chocolate Bars [Infographic]

Image: Making Of Chocolate Bars
Chocolate is an all time favorite for all, irrespective of ages. If you follow history, it is from world war I (1914-1918), that chocolate bars were being packed as a sort of energizer and a short snack into soldiers' rucksacks, making it quite popular as it was not until 1900s that chocolate was considered as a treat.

Infographic: Making Of Chocolate BarsInfographic by:

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