The Return Of New Home Builders & The Changing American Home [Infographic] - Visualistan -->

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Image: The Return Of New Home Builders & The Changing American Home
As the housing market improves, customer traffic, sales conditions, and builders' outlooks for single-family home sales over next six months have soared to their levels since 2006. How has the construction industry, and the modern American home, changed?

Infographic: The Return Of New Home Builders & The Changing American HomeSource:

The Return Of New Home Builders & The Changing American Home [Infographic]

Image: The Return Of New Home Builders & The Changing American Home
As the housing market improves, customer traffic, sales conditions, and builders' outlooks for single-family home sales over next six months have soared to their levels since 2006. How has the construction industry, and the modern American home, changed?

Infographic: The Return Of New Home Builders & The Changing American HomeSource:

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