In the 1960s, researchers identified a big social problem. Kids from families that made less than $8,600 per year (or ~$60,000 by today's standards) were starting school less prepared than kids from wealthier families. Kids who don't receive high-quality early childhood education are: 25% more likely to drop out of school, 40% more likely to become a teen parent, 50% more likely to be placed in special ed, 60% less likely to attend college, and 70% more likely to be arrested. See the infographic by
5 More Ways To Help Your Child Get The Most Out Of Early Childhood Learning
Talk all the time. Narrate what you're doing, tell stories. Expose your child to words as early as possible.Stock up on books - even if your child can't read them yet!Kids with more books at home are 19% more likely to finish college.
Read to your child for at least 20 minutes per day. It's never too early to start. Pick books with thick pages and textures so they can start holding - and even chewing on and bathing with - books on their own. (Believe it or not, this is a very important and underrated literacy skill.)
Practice print awareness. Get books with cool fonts, font sizes and colors. Point to where the words are on the page, or ask your child to show you where to start reading. Comics and books with speech bubbles are also helpful.
Engage with your child. Ask them follow-uo questions about their educational programs. Ask them what they learned in their reading game. Sing songs about letters, numbers and words. Practice rhyming. Tell stories together. Show your child that learning is important - and fun!