World widely, one-third of the food produced is vanished, which is an approximated quantity of 1.3 billion tons, which is identical quantity of food produced in the whole of sub-Saharan Africa.
Loss Of Resources
Food production is the largest singular cause for the loss of world biodiversity. Food production is responsible for, deforestation, freshwater consumption, and green house gas emissions. When food is wasted, it also means that all the resources used in the production of food are also lost.
Food prices are already at close to record levels, having risen 1.4% in September, following an increase of 6% in July. Consumers waste about 209 to 253 lbs. of food per person annually. 50% of the fish and seafood, initially caught, go wasted. Every year in America 96 billion lbs. of food is discarded. Half of all food prepared in the US and Europe never gets consumed.
The low-income and middle-income countries are home to the majority of the undernourished people. About 850 million people, almost 15% of the population are estimated to be undernourished