You know, each and every merchant sooner or later asks him/herself a question: “What else can I do to increase the conversion of my website?” Today you will get to know 17 eCommerce boosters that really work. Good news is that you even don’t need to strain your brain to remember them all, as guys from TemplateMonster presented the info as an infographic or gifographic to be more accurate.
The infographic is made in nice, bright colors. Simple understandable images make the information easy for comprehension and memorize. The infographic looks like a puzzle put together. This is the author’s concept. She wanted to convey the message that the work of improving conversion reminds doing a puzzle. You need to put all pieces (techniques) together to see the final picture (increased conversion rate). So, the more of these pieces you’ll take into account, the better results in increasing conversion you’ll achieve.
In a word, you can use this infographic as a kind of check list. Follow its points and reach higher conversion rates. The infographic highlights 17 main eCommerce conversion boosters and provides useful information combined with working tips which will help you turn visitors into paying customers. All of the 17 points are visually separated by colors from one another for simplicity of perception.