Have you ever thought of plagiarists as sinners suffering hard from their copy-paste misdeeds? Inspired by Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy, Unplag team created a visualized version of… that very… plagiarism hell having nine different circles for the lost souls. Sounds terrifying? Yes, it’s really so. The souls travel from circle to circle to the deepest reaches of hell depending on the type of plagiarism crime they committed.
It’s no wonder that each circle can be too overcrowded, just because plagiarism has many faces. It’s very subtle like the Serpent from the ancient mythology. It can easily mislead you by transforming into a style, structure or idea plagiarism without you even noticing. Sometimes, it can become even more dangerous when poisoning you with an evidence, sectional or complete plagiarism toxin.
The main point here is to timely redeem the fault and pass through Purgatory to get to Heaven.
To put it shortly, the more serious the sin is, the more severe the punishment will be imposed. As a student, you should be aware of these things and keep on pursuing the path of originality and wisdom at all costs. The time to confess all sins against originality will come soon, so be prepared by looking through the Nine Circles of Plagiarism Hell!
Infographic by: unplag.com
It’s no wonder that each circle can be too overcrowded, just because plagiarism has many faces. It’s very subtle like the Serpent from the ancient mythology. It can easily mislead you by transforming into a style, structure or idea plagiarism without you even noticing. Sometimes, it can become even more dangerous when poisoning you with an evidence, sectional or complete plagiarism toxin.
To put it shortly, the more serious the sin is, the more severe the punishment will be imposed. As a student, you should be aware of these things and keep on pursuing the path of originality and wisdom at all costs. The time to confess all sins against originality will come soon, so be prepared by looking through the Nine Circles of Plagiarism Hell!